
from seventeen to eighteen

(reminisce the past year here.)

17 reasons why i loved the past year:
  1. growing older, experiencing more
  2. receiving my first kiss
  3. passing both the AP calculus test and AP US history test
  4. earning a new XC PR of 22:28
  5. learning that if i put my mind to something, i can do anything
  6. being called to serve on seminary council
  7. being apart of the Youth Humanities Council at the Church History Museum, Downtown SLC
  8. branching out and making new best friends and lasting friendships
  9. keeping the original best friends, solidifying friendships
  10. seeing the class unity that senior year brings, coming to love the city of Pleasant Grove
  11. going on my last girls camp and trek
  12. falling hard and overcoming the heartache that endings bring
  13. gaining a new perspective of the future
  14. being busier than ever with photography
  15. getting my new older sister
  16. broadening my horizons
  17. learning to see God's hand in my life, strengthening my testimony of this gospel.
18 goals for the upcoming year:
  1. graduate highschool
  2. get scholarship money to attend a college
  3. figure out which one that will be
  4. move out and begin it
  5. run for miss pleasant grove
  6. run a half marathon
  7. talk to and see my brother in person for the first time in two years
  8. travel (out of the country?)
  9. buy a smart phone (iPhone?)
  10. buy my own computer and adobe software
  11. re-read the book of mormon
  12. begin my career of being a photographer
  13. upgrade my camera equipment
  14. attend my senior prom (be able to say i went to all 24 dances of my highschool career)
  15. continue speaking the language of my soul
  16. keep all the true friendships i have (past graduation and moving away)
  17. make some of the best memories of my life, realize that i am
  18. keep my commitment of living the gospel and strive to become a woman of God

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