
a thing called fall break.

it may sound a little foreign to you provo dwellers, but it is a beautiful, wonderful thing.
while some of my roommates scuttled south, 
i spent most of mine none other than dwelling in provo (oh, the irony).
from annual family "deer hunt parties" to visiting (not so) long-lost best friends who are students there.
the weekend was filled with 
sleepovers in king sized beds, 
wrestling (like for real, i was taken to the ground), 
cheesy potatoes,
film slides,
parking spots with my name on them, 
a fresh haircut, 
scattered reminders, 
cold outdoor sporting events,
temple visits that felt like home, 
lots of boy talk and 
of course so much abrupt, uncontrollable laughter.
needless to say, it was a reviving break
and i am so grateful for so many people in my life.
now I'm ready to hit the grinding stone in preparation for midterm exams and projects.

1 comment:

  1. it was so good to see/meet you girl!
    bailey @ mycrisscrossedblog.blogspot.com
