
those two guys.

trevor ward & wyatt duclos.

the two sarcastic, but funny, missionary-oriented "married" best friends.

they were the guys crazy about missionary work.
so enthusiastic they brought any conversation to the topic.
they lived their lives for their missions
and our senior year when the age was lowered,
they immediately stepped up
with eager hearts and itching hands.

when people started to get their calls
they were the guys there for every opening
or, they were the first to hear the news.
and they were excited about it.
it didn't matter who it was or when they were going;
they were excited about it.
even after one hundred and eight calls.
they were excited about it.

so much, they orchestrated and created a twenty-five minute movie
about every single one of those calls.

their own missions meant more to them
than food itself
and they would've lost a limb
just to be able to serve for those 2 years,
if that's what it would've taken.

now where do two 18 year old guys get enthusiasm like that?
who taught them and what manual did they use?

when prophecy says "a peculiar people, a chosen generation"
these guys are who it is referring to.

faith, enthusiasm in the gospel is what we've been foreordained with.
it's God given and it's what we came to earth to spread.

and that is just what those two guys are about to do
for two whole years.

they were two guys I met before my senior year of high school.
they were two guys I had the privilege of growing great friendships with.

they were two guys who changed my life.
in a way I can't quite put my finger on
but because of them I've been molded--I'm different.
and I will forever be grateful for that.

so when I run into one of them at another strawberry days
somewhere down the road,
that is what my mind will remember.

their enthusiasm will never die,
though our strong friendship may fade,
I know if our paths cross in the future,
I'll find them still sharing and spreading
that enthusiasm,
by means big and small,
and living in a way
that will always be remembered.

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