
I have a passion for connecting to the past

Three elderly ladies
sat to get their nails painted by young woman.
It was the year 2012.
But they talked like it was 1941.
They fell in love; they watched their other half go to war.
All the while waiting,
holding onto stamps for letters and food rations.
They speak of years floating by
like feathers fleeting to the ground--scatted and uncounted;
mind-boggling while I've only got a destinct eighteen behind me.
Time, society, and culture may be differences between us
but we've got the same heart.
I listen to the wise words and think:
living to the year 2080 seems so unfathomable.
But the year 2000 was a far fetched dream
and that was more than a decade ago.
Me and my sister both have our own car.
Their teachers walked to school.
What are us kids going to do these days? 
they ask. 
We're going to change the world by
bringing the gospel to every nation.
that's what we're going to do.
I appretiate the life they lived;
I'm grateful for the life I'm living.

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