
a spontaneous decision that brought me to tears.

I woke up and felt like driving to Salt Lake
to attend the Young Women's General Broadcast at the Conference Center.
so I did.
my youngest sister and I waited an hour in the stand-by line
to be in the presence of the prophet, his counselors, and the young women presidency.
and it was so worth it.
the messages they spoke were absolutely and utterly flawless;
their words were exactly what i needed to hear at this point.
now i'm just 10x more excited for conference this weekend.


that first night.

and after 5 months you hear him say
"i remember thinking the next day: wow, i sure did like the feeling of being around that girl."
it creates a moment so special your heart floods with emotion and your soul soars with his. 
simple moonlight shimmers down and bathes the moment with gold.
friendship and gratitude pulse the cool air.
his arms hold you like they've never meant it more than they do now.
ideal reaches your conscience and the moment becomes a treasure
you'll always hold close.


the full pageant experience.

production number: "Berried Treasure."

swim: 15%

on stage question: 5% 

Talent: 35%
Listen - originally by Beyonce

Evening Gown: 20%


Results: nerve racking and suspenseful.


Royalty: 4th attendant

all the girls

Miss Pleasant Grove Royalty 2013


best hostess/best friend in THE WORLD.

loved all the support from my boys :)

family love!

such an incredible, growing experience. I'm so excited for whats in store!


dress rehearsal today. pageant tomorrow.


Oh what a beautiful day.

Though it was pretty windy and bitter cold. 
So I guess what made today beautiful was the feeling I carried,
not the weather.


right now,

i don't know why this situation impresses and impacts my mind so much.
but i almost sense that it's for a reason

adam young's lyrics always connect.

a thousand miles
feels like
a millions years
like hundreds of postcards
that say
i wish you were here

oh oh
i can't even take it
oh oh
i left my heart in metroplis


and they're up.

at least once a class period I loose my stomach to butterflies.
and it's still barely a week away.


i will never stop laughing about this.

both of them.
same mission.
same day.
Sendai, Japan
July 17

I guess I just really like Japan.


need a confidence boost or an ambitious push?
try these melodies:
Gold  //  Britt Nicole
Change the World  //  Bratz Rock Angelz
I Came to Win  //  Jenny Jordan Frogley
Whole Wide World  //  Mindy Gledhill
Beautiful  //  David Archuleta (cover)
One Step at a Time  //  Jordin Sparks
Shooting Star  //  Owl City
(all of them are life changing, so i'd recommend clicking on each link ;)



the worst part about senioritus is that it's contagious.
and when you spend time with sophomores, it can really be unhealthy for their futures.

oh but one things for sure, we've all got it.
and mission calls make it worse.



your mind perceives things and builds this concept of the rest of world.
day by day, you feel you have a sense for whats out there
and what it'd be like to experience it all.
and then something will happen and show you how off you actually are,
how your perception is incorrect,
and that you don't really know.
and it makes you wonder: what is really out there?


with uncertainty.

lives are moving forward,
people are moving on.
and it almost feels like
i am being left behind.
future years set with one sentence.
unfathomable events.
what have I got?
what is my next step?
so many parallel demensions exist
and i have no inkling of
which to choose
or which is right for me.
it all just makes me want to burst.